
How Many Cups In A Can Of Pumpkin Puree

First scenario: Yous're psyched to make Pumpkin Block Bars, an piece of cake one-basin sheet block topped with yummy foam cheese frosting. And you make them and yep, they're totally succulent, and y'all're cleaning up, and … what exercise yous practice with that leftover one-half-can of pumpkin?

Second scenario: Y'all've stepped up and baked a 100%-from-scratch Pumpkin Pie using your own homemade pumpkin purée made from fresh sugar pumpkins. And yeah, it'south actually good! Merely now you have all this pumpkin purée sitting in a bowl in the fridge … what to do?

"Decorated yous" says movement on, simply "thrifty you" can't bear to throw away that bit of pumpkin left in the can. Here'southward how to deal.

Let's start with the canned pumpkin. Most recipes call for a 15-ounce tin of pumpkin: think Libby'south, 1 Pie, or your own favorite brand, readily available year-circular at the supermarket.

Cans of pumpkin on a supermarket shelf

No problem at that place. You open the tin, utilize the pumpkin, rinse the tin, and recycle; no leftovers.

Many other recipes call for i cup (half a tin can) of pumpkin. That makes things unproblematic: Double your recipe to use the whole can, and then 1) savour information technology all, 2) requite half away, or 3) freeze for after.

Slices of pumpkin bread on a paper plate, ready to give away
Piece of cake Pumpkin Bread

My favorite option is #2. Between friends and family, the local library, the vet'due south part, the town senior center, the folks at the subcontract stand, my favorite bookshop, and the guys who repair my automobile, at that place's ever, e'er someone to share with, someone who'll swoon over whatever I've made. If you tin't think of a single person in your customs who'd appreciate a freshly baked treat from your kitchen — and so think a bit more.

Another option: If y'all've used 1 cup (half a tin) of pumpkin, pair the recipe you've chosen with another using 1 cup of pumpkin. I've created an easy mix-and-lucifer list of complementary recipes for you at the stop of this article.

Glass measuring cup containing 1 3/4 cups pumpkin.

But await a infinitesimal: Pumpkin weighs 8 ounces per loving cup, and so a 15-ounce can of pumpkin really simply gives you 1 vii/8 cups; yous can't make two recipes calling for a cup of pumpkin each, can yous?

Sure you can. Merely fudge information technology: Utilize a scant 1 cup pumpkin (1 cup minus 1 tablespoon) in each recipe. I promise that missing tablespoon of pumpkin won't make or intermission your recipe.

Pumpkin Cheddar Biscuits on a baking sheet
Pumpkin Cheddar Biscuits

If you lot're non convinced, supplement with a tablespoon of applesauce in that Piece of cake Whole Grain Pumpkin-Banana Bread, or splash in couple of teaspoons of milk or water to account for the missing liquid in the Pumpkin Cheddar Biscuits. Relax; information technology'south all good.

Besides much to utilise right now? Wrap and freeze

At present what nigh recipes using less than a cup of pumpkin, similar Pumpkin Biscotti (ane/2 cup), Harvest Pumpkin Scones (two/three cup), or Golden Pumpkin Dinner Rolls (3/iv cup)? You'll have more than a cup of pumpkin left in the tin. In this case, it's worthwhile to freeze it.

Pumpkin purée spooned into the wells of a muffin pan prior to freezing

Spritz two or three muffin cups lightly with cooking spray, and spoon or scoop a heaping mound of pumpkin (ane/two cup, 4 ounces, 113g) into the cups. Place the pan into the freezer. When the pumpkin portions are frozen through, tip them out of the pan (you may demand to set the pan in an inch of hot water to loosen their bottoms), and place in a nil-top plastic purse for freezer storage.

Libby cautiously suggests, right on their cans, using frozen pumpkin within three months. Simply I've kept pumpkin frozen for up to a year with no apparent ill outcome. One caveat: stash it in the dorsum of the freezer where it'south not exposed to abiding drafts of warm air from the door.

Not enough left to freeze?

Your recipe calls for near all of a tin can of pumpkin (that's yous, Pumpkin Cake Doughnuts), merely you still have i/4 cup or a couple of tablespoons left over. What then?

Pumpkin purée swirled into a bowl of Greek yogurt for breakfast.

Leftover pumpkin, sealed securely, volition last several days in the fridge. But it probably won't be around that long. Stir information technology into your breakfast oatmeal. Sweeten gently and swirl into Greek yogurt. Making a smoothie? Plop it into the blender canister forth with the banana and blueberries. Or if y'all take dogs, spoon it onto their nutrient; it'south a healthy supplement, full of fiber and beta carotene.

Homemade pumpkin purée

Let's get dorsum to that bowl of bootleg pumpkin purée in the fridge. If you're non set to broil something else correct away, it's all-time to freeze your homemade purée.

Homemade pumpkin purée in a glass bowl

Think about the pumpkin recipes you bake most often. Exercise they call for a 15-ounce can of pumpkin? Then counterbalance out that amount and freeze in 1-pint freezer containers, i-quart null-top plastic bags, plastic wrap, or your other favorite freezer-safe storage fabric.

Plastic bags are my favorite here; with the zip corner left barely open up, press gently to flatten, and so freeze on a baking canvass. Once frozen, relieve freezer space by stacking the bags atop one another.

Hint: If yous don't take a scale for weighing and you've planned ahead, you can utilize an empty, clean pumpkin can to measure out the correct corporeality; no demand to dirty a measuring cup.

Think about freezing purée in one/two-cup increments likewise, for those recipes calling for less than a tin.

Homemade pumpkin purée spooned int silicone ice cube trays

My absolute favorite way to freeze 1/2-cup portions of anything semi- or fully liquid (think homemade marinara, for instance) is in extra-big silicone water ice cube trays, ones that make 2" cubes.

For pumpkin, I thoroughly pack each well, and so run a bowl scraper across the top of the tray to remove whatever excess. The effect? Perfect one/2 cup (four ounce, 113g) cubes of pumpkin, ready to freeze.

Homemade pumpkin purée frozen in cubes, placed in a labeled freezer bag

However you freeze, retrieve to characterization your pumpkin. Correct at present y'all're certain you'll think what those bags of orange stuff are; six months from now, y'all won't. Label, date, and write the amount on each pocketbook — or on the larger outer handbag in which you'll store individual portions.

When you're getting ready to make your selected recipe (I highly recommend Pumpkin Yeast Bread), have the purée y'all need from your frozen stash.

Frozen cubes of pumpkin purée in a bowl waiting to thaw

Unwrap, place in a bowl, embrace, and thaw overnight in the fridge. Just before using, strain out any continuing liquid. There's no need to wring liquid from the pumpkin as you would from, say, frozen spinach, but go alee and drain the puddles. Throw the liquid into your smoothie or drizzle information technology into the dog dish.

And with that, I get out yous to your scrumptious pumpkin baking. With all of the options for leftover pumpkin you at present have at your fingertips, you lot'll never once again find yourself reluctantly throwing away a moldering half-can of purée — promise!

Pumpkin purée being spooned out of half-empty pumpkin can

As I noted at the showtime of this article, pumpkin recipes using a tin of purée are pretty much a dime a dozen. Just those using i cup are a fleck harder to find. The following recipes each use 1 cup of pumpkin purée, a.yard.a. one-half of a 15-ounce tin of pumpkin. Mix and match any two to use upwards that whole tin. Problem solved — particularly if you have lots of eager pumpkin eaters effectually!

Confined: Pumpkin Cake Confined with Foam Cheese Frosting, Pumpkin Pie Bars, Gluten-Free Pumpkin Cake Bars.

A square of pumpkin streusel coffeecake on a plate
Pumpkin Streusel Coffeecake

Cake & dessert: Pumpkin Layer Block with Cream Cheese Frosting, Pumpkin Mini Cakes with Cream Cheese Icing, Pumpkin Spice Cake, Pumpkin Streusel Coffeecake, Pumpkin Cheesecake with Gingersnap Chaff, Pumpkin Ice Cream.

Cream cheese-filled pumpkin muffins on two plates, one cut open
Inside-Out Pumpkin Muffins

Muffins and quick breads: Inside-Out Pumpkin Muffins, Thanksgiving Muffins, Easy Whole Grain Pumpkin-Banana Bread, Pumpkin Cheddar Biscuits, Sourdough Pumpkin Spice Bread.

Savory: Pumpkin Parmesan Rugelach, Pumpkin Ravioli.

Yeast rolls: Cinnamon-Swirl Pumpkin Rolls, Maple Pumpkin Rolls.

Cinnamon swirl pumpkin rolls iced with confectioners' sugar icing, ready to serve
Cinnamon-Swirl Pumpkin Rolls

If you lot're in an autumnal baking mood, check out additional seasonal recipes in our Harvest Favorites collection.

How Many Cups In A Can Of Pumpkin Puree,


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